About HME
High Mountain [HM] begun in early 2008 immediately positioning itself among the few professionally focused mountain expedition guides agencies of Chile. Diligently following each and every norm and active laws ruling the high mountain activities in Chile issued by the Chilean Servicio Nacional de Turismo [(SERNATUR) -National Service of Tourism-]. License number: 17.874.
Our Experiencie
Up to date, HME has given full support to mountaineers and professional climbers from all over the globe, -chiefly [though] from Europe and North America-. Some of which already have mustered a significant amount of experience on the field. Including those who have [yet] concluded the Seven Summits circuit and then started the Volcanic Seven Summits. The same support and dedication go for those mountaineers who are just starting to experience the high mountain rodeo, and see themselves contemplating [the] 6000 m summits for their next challenge. To which summits like Ojos del Salado, Tupungato and Llullaillaco provide a peculiar sense of peacefulness as these are rather less concurred mountaineering destinations.
HME Headquarters is based in Santiago de Chile, which is our current main [and biggest] warehouse. From here, all consisting expedition gears and equipment are dispatched across Chile to their designated location. Although, during the open season, from October to April, we keep a fully equipped warehouse up north, in Copiapo City; in order to promptly respond to our most demanding season -mainly- towards Ojos del Salado.

The HighMountain Experience Family
Along the years we’ve been doing what we do best, many of the most prestigious tour operators from around the world, as well as mountain clubs and mountain guides have entrusted their clients to us, to our support and services, our team, providing a memorable experience to their clients and members. Which it all has been entirely fulfilled 100% due to our commitment and dedication -professionally performed- to each one of our members.
Know our team